Hello-Hello. Welcome to my blog and thank you for checking out my free phonesex give away. Tis the season to be jolly! I just love the holiday season and this is an offer for any one of you that does a 20 minute session with me. If you do a 20 minute or longer session with me on December 20, I will give you, a FREE 10 minute texting or skype session. You pick which session you want and I will give you 10 free minutes. Participants, have until the end of January 2023 to use that 10 free minutes with me or they expire. Make sure to save the date: 12/20/22 is the day to call me for this jolly give away. So excited, I can’t wait to see how you use your 10 Free minutes with me. I am sure we are going to have a hot time!
Can you believe it’s almost 2023? I can’t believe it. My heartfelt wishes for you all, is that this upcoming New Year is your best one yet. I wish you Health, Joy, Peace and lots of Kinky time with Me! Now Remember the date 12/20/22. Call me and earn those 10 free minutes. It is a savings of $29.90.
The Naughtiest Days of XXXMas
I am not the only one giving anything away. So many things are happening. Becky made a calendar showing all the hot stuff happening. Save it. Each mistress will give away something different for calling her on her kinky day. Have fun. I am especially, looking forward to two for one–BOGO Mistress Day and the other hot phone sex savings. Don’t forget my birthday. Dec. 30.

Naughty Days of Christmas.
Happy Holidays from my bedroom to yours.
Your phonesex Princess, Andi
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