Hello to all my beauties! I have a new assignment for you, I want you to have a sissie mirror. I would love for you to try it. In order to make a sissie mirror with me. You will need  two things.

1) Follow me on tumblr.

2) have a mirror.

What is the sissie mirror?

The sissie mirror is the mirror you like to look into most when you are all dressed up. Perhaps this is the same mirror you look into when applying your make-up. Maybe, it is a full length mirror that you scrutinized yourself in before going out? What kind of Mirror you use is totally up to you. Use what you have. You don’t have to go out and buy a new mirror for this sissy assignment.

Why follow me on Tumblr?

I am going to be creating sissie affirmation “cards” for you to print out and I will be posting them on Tumblr only. For today, since it is the first one, I will make an exception and  share the very first Sissie Affirmation card here, so you can get an idea of what the sissy affirmations will look like. Going forward, I will only be sharing them on Tumblr.  When you see I have shared a Sissie Affirmation, you can print it out and tape it to your mirror.  If you are worried about someone else seeing it. I suggest you laminate it and tape it to the mirror when you have your sissie time and then take it down when you are done.

I want you to say the sissie affirmation at least twice a day–of course you can say as many times as you like but the minimum is two times a day. Look in  your  Sissie Mirror and say the affirmation out loud.

I won’t have a schedule of when I post these sissy affirmations but I will post one at least once a month for you.

If you have an affirmation that you like to use, share it with me. I might even use it. I want you to celebrate who you are and enjoy all things girlie. That is why I am doing this for you. I hope you enjoy and if you don’t already follow me on Tumblr– you can start today, here is my tumblr link: https://sensualphonesexprincessandi.tumblr.com/

Here is my very first sissie affirmation for your sissie mirror. I won’t be sharing them on my blog after today.

sissie mirror, sissy affirmation, get girlie, feminization