Hello there,
Today I am writing for the little dicked men out there. SPH, I am aware not every one of you little dick owners out there like cock mockery or small penis humiliation and you also know, how much your little weenie, craves my attention. One of the most interesting things I have observed during my time here is:
How little men talk about their dicks is much different then guys with big dicks.
I just love when I am talking to someone new and I inquire about the size of their penis. Now right away, I am on my high alert when I ask that question and the guy response starts off with Miss Andi, my penis is almost…
Tee-hee I can assure you what ever statement follows almost –usually has me giggle, because the number that usually follows that is usually pathetic.
One of the things I have noticed that guys with big dicks rarely brag about their cock size by saying I am almost 10 inches. Even if that is the case they might say, I am close to 10 inches or I am over 9 inches. Big dicked guys rarely, say I am almost; It’s the little dick losers that usually start off with telling me how small they are with the word almost, like that is going to make it magically bigger or more impressive by telling me that you are almost 4 inches long. No darling, telling me your cock is almost 4 inches long doesn’t change the fact that your dick is small and really 3. 2 inches. Tee-hee.
I enjoy toying with any size penis , even the smaller little weenies.
It’s a good thing, I enjoy a small penis and I know how your little dick gets so excited for me. I enjoy teasing a small cock with hand domination and cock mockery is something else that I have a good time doing; because, I figure little dicks need a beautiful Miss to keep their little shrimp dick in line– just like a big cock does. The only difference on what I will do with a little dick versus a big dick? I won’t fuck a little dick…
Your dick size really doesn’t matter to me, I will capture your cock and penetrate your mind,
Princess Andi
MMM… oh, plunger boy! You know how much I thoroughly enjoy watching how very excited your dick gets for me. It’s a real pleasure toying with you, my kinky friend. XoXo
Ms Andi…you captured my cock and penetrated my mind (and other things) a long time ago. At this point it’s safe to say we are well past you wondering about the size of my cock…that ship has sailed…..but one thing that remains constant….is every time I get on the phone and cam for you my dick gets sooooooooooooo excited for you….and I love how you toy with my cock, my body, my mind.
Hi Miss Lena Right on! I laughed and cheered at what you had to say! Those little, Vienna sausage dicks don’t ever make the grade, when it comes to us size Queens! Cheers! xoxox
Hi Ms. Viv! Aw, gawd–his little peenie was soooo small! I couldn’t help but giggle! I loved doing that SPH session with you! I would love to do that again with you sometime soon! XoXo
Cock Mockery!!! Ms. Andi, I love it. You’re so right. “Almost”, does not imply anything favorable, especially in regards to cocks. These same guys, will ask if size matters. If you have to ask…Come on, you know it matters! Inside, they know their Vienna sausage dicks don’t cut it, but they’re hoping for a puny penis award.
Hi Ms. Viv! Aw, gawd–his little peenie was soooo small! I couldn’t help but giggle! I loved doing that SPH session with you! I would love to do that again with you sometime soon! XoXo
Oh this quote Miss Andi “oh-how I will gigggle when I see your little peenie” reminds me of our 2 Mistress call – the fellow with the tool no bigger than my thumb. I think it was your giggle that tripped him over the edge, the sweet humiliation was too much for him.
We should do that again!
hi there bob, oh-how I will gigggle when I see your little peenie! I will be happy to watch you during a session. I use both skype and yahoo. My Skpye ID is princess.andi_1 and my yahoo id is Empress.Andi all I ask is that we test the connection before the session to make sure everything works great! Why waste precious phonesex time on technical stuff? Thanks for the question Bob! XoXo
Wow Princess Andi. You are on a roll. You captured my imagination with the question: ‘how does my pussy taste?’ Pondering the question and stroking to your pictures, made it clear that I definitely need some cock training.
And now you have captured my imagination again. You like small penis humiliation and you will giggle at my 4.5 inch penis. Fantastic. How can I show it to you so you can mock it?
oh hee hee hee hee Alice! I love how playful you are! I also enjoy the image of you having a very big nose! This will add to my face sitting session with you! I kind of get the best of both worlds that way! *wink* XoXo
Hi good to see you Tiny Dick Tim. 🙂 I remember you and your little penis! I agree, you belong in Chastity! XoXo
Hello Andi, it is so nice of you to be so kind to those with small dicks. Not everyone can be 11 inches like I am.
And if you think that is big, you should see my nose!
I have had the pleasure of showing you my cock on cam twice. Having you mock my cock was the ultimate fantasy. Lil cock men like men deserve your humiliation. We were born to serve dominant women like yourself. This lil cock belongs in chastity!