The 2024 Sissy Pageant is heating up. I just voted and that was one of the hardest things about this Sissy Pageant, the voting. I had so many wonderful choices, every single Sissy that entered is worthy of winning this Sissy Pageant.

Sissy Pageant– I voted.

I voted after I looked at every singles entry. I read every answer to their questions. I looked at all their beautiful photos. I saw  classy sissies, slutty sissies and I love them all. Hee-hee you know how much I love a slutty sissy.  I love how many showed up for the Sissy Pageant. There were so many wonderful submissions and I love how so many beautiful sissies took the time to show off for all of us. .

Sissy Pageant Party in the community kink chatroom.

I can’t wait to see who wins this years 2024 Sissy Pageant. The night of the event is June 28,2024, in the community kink chatroom.  A friday night. Sadly, I won’t be able to be there but I will be there in spirit. I am cheering each and every one  of you that entered this wonderful Sissy Pageant on. I am so proud of each and every one of you. I love that you entered and showed up. That you took time to answer each question thoughtfully. I learned a lot from each of you that took the time to enter. Even sissies I never talk to in session before, I became smitten with.

Each Sissy did a beautiful job.

I loved seeing how different and unique each and every Sissy is. The different way each Sissy posed for their picture. The sassy looks, the sultry looks. the slutty looks and all the different poses in between. Seeing your personality shine through thru your photos and your answers. This makes me feel so proud to be a part of Enchantrix Empire and the LDW Mistress Group.

I will be at the event  in spirit.

I am hating that I can’t be there for the Sissy Pageant Event on June 28 but I can’t wait to learn as soon as I can who wins There will be three winners and a Miss Congeniality chosen by all the sissies that entered the pageant. . I would like to take the time to congratulate the winners of this years Sissy Pageant. In my eyes, You are all winners. Congratulations to each and everyone of you. I hope you are proud of who you are. Keep shining bright and I love each and every one of you.

Good luck to all of you that entered.

Your phonesex princess, Andi