Hello. I am very excited– this is my first sissy interview. I hope it is the first of many. I would like to introduce you to Robyn. She read that I was looking to interview a sissy and she reached out to me. I want to thank you for doing this with me Robyn. I enjoyed getting to know you. I am sure my readers will as well.
Princess Andi: So you are Robyn correct?
Robyn : Not all the time but as often as possible
Princess Andi: no? who are you when you are not Robyn?
Robyn : Robert
Princess Andi: and how often are you Robyn?
Robyn: but I far prefer being Robyn.
Princess Andi: Why don’t you tell me what you like. give me and the readers some back ground info.
Robyn: Gee, I am not really sure where to start.
Princess Andi: Include things like age, part of the country, profession.
Robyn: I enjoy a lot of things…
I work for a major university in the northeast
I am 48 years old
I am married and have three kids.
Princess Andi: How long have you been married?
Robyn: My first two kids are from my first marriage that failed, but the kids are all great. 10 years in my current marriage
Princess Andi: Nice. Congratulations on 10 years!
Robyn: Not quite that long in the first one. I was open and honest with my first wife about who I am and it was all cool. Until after we married and then not so much.
Princess Andi: How long have you been a sissy?
Robyn: OH…my entire life
I remember dressing in my Mom’s clothes as a pretty little kid
I remember trading clothes and underwear with a neighbor girl as a super young child
Princess Andi: Did you parents react to this?
Robyn: Even as a little kid I somehow knew to try to engage in some of my interests privately, but
later as a teenager I got caught and my parents were not supportive.
Princess Andi: What happened when you got caught?
Robyn: It didn’t change me.
Princess Andi: I am sorry to hear that your parents weren’t supportive.
Robyn: I got caught more than once, but it was always embarrassing
Princess Andi: What did you get caught doing?
Robyn: Wearing a bunch of my Mom’s clothes, mostly lingerie. I loved nighties and things like that.
Princess Andi: I can understand why, they are lovely! I do enjoy wearing them myself. 🙂
Robyn: of course
Princess Andi: So, what happened after you were caught?
Robyn: Not much, I think back to those days. A lot of parents were into denial as an approach to problem solving
Princess Andi: Would you get the cold shoulder or everything would be like nothing happened.
Robyn: It just would not get discussed, as if it didn’t happen
Princess Andi: Ahhh. so denial.
Robyn: Yup…lots of it.
Princess Andi: Tell me how you progressed and have grown as a sissy
Robyn: What I had to learn was this was absolutely central to my identity,
this is part of who I am and it’s not going away. I tried my own attempts at denial for a while,
even some self loathing. It’s not very healthy or productive, as a teenager it was so hard
I thought about and even tried suicide.
Princess Andi: I am so glad you resisted the urge and didn’t take that path.
Robyn: Later I worked at coming to terms with myself and enjoying who I am
Princess Andi: Wonderful!
Robyn: It took a while and has been a journey
Princess Andi: How were you able to do that? Do you have a good support system now?
Robyn: My wife is supportive, her love is real and sincere and she is not fazed by my interests or desires.
She gets that there is a whole wide world full of lots of interesting people
Princess Andi: That’s wonderful! Yes, that is what makes the world such a beautiful place. 🙂
Princess Andi: Would you mind talking with me about your sexuality?
Robyn: not at all my sexuality is a lot like my gender, it is fluid. I am primarily heterosexual but, I do have fantasies that drift into all kinds of sexy areas.
Princess Andi: what kind of sexy areas?
Robyn: Well sometimes I call Mistress Rachel, one of your colleagues.
Princess Andi: oh, yes. Rachel– she is wonderful. 🙂
Robyn: she weaves some interesting fantasies with me over the phone that include me being the girl and being taken on dates by sexy men.
Princess Andi: that is sexy!
Robyn: and sometimes, I am the wife in a relationship with another women
the other women may run the business we have together and I assist
Princess Andi: Do you like being submissive?
Robyn: we have a wedding planning business and I have naturally evolved into playing the female role in the storylines. Yes, I like being submissive in my fantasies and in real life (to some degree) as well. I not only like being submissive…
I just am submissive. My wife has pointed out that she notices I like tough girls…
Remember the tv show facts of life?
Princess Andi: yes. I have heard of it but it is before my time.
Princess Andi: How has being submissive helped you accept more of who you are?
Robyn: It has helped me understand who I am and appreciate others for who they are I tend to appreciate and sympathize with people who are different, I have more empathy than many in our culture.
Princess Andi: So being submissive and a sissy has helped you be more empathetic.
Robyn: I am able to understand other’s points of view or situation more than some men seem to be able to however, I have a pretty high level of emotional intelligence.
Princess Andi: Interesting, I do find that to be the case with many people in the lifestyle.
Robyn: If you met me, I come off as just a regular dude.
Princess Andi: Have you ever been with another man?
Robyn: yes to that, not too many times but, yes.
I would again but haven’t had a lot of opportunities and haven’t invested in seeking them out.
Princess Andi: Were your experiences good ones?
Robyn: actually not really, very confusing. I was fairly young and had a summer job at a summer sleep away camp
a couple of older guys were fairly persuasive about telling me they knew I was gay and encouraged me to experiment
It was not exactly a good experience. It caused a lot of confusion-as I got older I saw the experience as a bit predatory.
Princess Andi: oh, sounds like you were bullied into it. I am sorry to hear that. Was that your only experience ?
Robyn: actually yes,I kind of blamed myself for that experience for a long while.
Princess Andi: What kind of sissy do you consider yourself to be?
Robyn: not sure but I am definitely submissive sexually in bed with my wife we can and are flexible
but I prefer when she is on top. I like cross dressing, again especially lingerie.
Princess Andi: When you met your second wife how hard was it for you to be open with her. I ask this because it sounds like your first wife kind of betrayed you when it came to you being a sissy.
Robyn: I have. I was again honest in advance but it was very hard. I was scared about telling her.
Princess Andi: I don’t blame you for being scared.
Robyn: I also knew it had not gone well the last time I was honest with someone but, I was falling in love and needed her to know who I was.
Princess Andi: How was her initial reaction?
Robyn: she was fine and listened and recognized how hard it was for me and responded by saying to me what she heard was no big deal the pressure I felt completely changed.
Princess Andi: beautiful.
Princess Andi:How did you get the name Robyn?
Robyn: I picked it. It felt close to my own name but more feminine
Princess Andi: I love your name. How long have you been Robyn?
Robyn: Thank you, I also gave myself a middle name too.
Princess Andi: oh?
Robyn: Skyler. I just liked it
Princess Andi: Robyn Skyler. What a lovely name!
Robyn: Thanks, I like it. And it feels good on me
Princess Andi: Are you still struggling with anything as someone that likes to cross dress?
Robyn: I am not sure…I see them as connected and inter related. I do still struggle but I am working on all that
self acceptance is not easy for me.
Princess Andi: ah. That takes time. Do you like to go out when your Robyn?
Robyn: I wish I could do more of that
Princess Andi: what seems to keep you from doing that, Robyn?
Robyn: there is a salon not far from me that promises to help people find their authentic female self
Princess Andi: wonderful. Do you go there?
Robyn: It would be a lot of work to pass. Sometimes I wear things for me that blur gender lines but not too overtly
I have not made an appointment at that salon but I want to do so.
Princess Andi: Robyn, I hope you make that appointment and keep it! Do you shave and do other feminine things like paint your nails on a regular basis?
Robyn: not regularly but occasionally, I LOVE getting a pedicure. I only get them a couple of times a year.
Princess Andi: They are wonderful!
Robyn: I don’t even get color mostly but love the experience the leg message and the whole thing is just so great.
Princess Andi: How does your wife help you as a sissy?
Robyn: My wife encourages me to be myself.
Princess Andi: Does she get involved in picking out clothes and helping you with make up?
Robyn: she tells me not to be an anxious twat
Princess Andi: oh the leg massage is so freaking worth the it!
Robyn: she has looked at clothes a bit with me but not too much with the makeup
Princess Andi: hahaha I like that– don’t be an anxious twat.
Robyn: she enjoys when we shop together and I point to things I like and we just have a conversation about pretty things I am seeing. She is very chill about the whole thing even more than I am
Princess Andi: You are very lucky. I am glad you both have each other.
Robyn: me too. it is true I carry a lot of baggage about what a man is supposed to be we are lucky to have found one another.
Princess Andi: oh well, I am sure she will help you unpack it and put all that crap where it belongs. Unpack that suitcase and get rid of what no longer serves you!
Robyn: she reminds me that there is nothing wrong with being a women or being more girly.
Princess Andi: What seems to be the biggest issue you struggle with when it comes to that baggage?
Robyn: she reminds me that wanting to be like women in some ways is just fun
Princess Andi: very true.
Robyn: I internalized a lot growing up bout who I am supposed to be. There are lots of gender rules for boys and they are enforced.
Princess And: Do you find that to be changing for the better?
Robyn: I was a really nice kid, social, friendly…sweet…the world definitely wanted to toughen me up
to some degree. It is a work in progress.
Princess Andi: yes. I agree. A work in progress! What kind of advice would you give your younger self if you could?
Robyn: becoming the best person I can be and being healthy and feeling good about life starts with self acceptance and self love
easier said than done.
Princess Andi: Beautifully said! It takes time. Like you said, a work in progress. Would you say, you are happy with your sex life?
Robyn: not fully, I think like a lot of couples we struggle to find time for intimacy, we both have demanding jobs.
I think I may have more interest in sex. I also am more interested in being more creative and playful and a little adventurous. my wife sometimes is satisfied just being together.
Princess Andi: uh. that does happen to a lot of couples. Do you masturbate a lot?
Robyn: regularly, yes, I have to for sure
Princess Andi: Do you use toys?
Robyn: sometimes
Princess Andi: what are some of your favorite types of toys?
Robyn: I have a butt plug and then another that is a vibrating plug
Princess Andi: nice!
Robyn: I have wanted to buy a realistic dildo but am a little nervous it might be more than I can handle anyway
Princess Andi: I say go for it and buy lube to go with it.
Robyn: the stockroom has some yummy looking toys.
Princess Andi: Is there anything else that you would like others to know about you?
Robyn: I think we are all on more of a spectrum in terms of gender and sexuality than most people are comfortable admitting I had to get over identifying as straight some people hold onto that and really fear anything else
but there is more fun and freedom in exploring possibilities I like women admire them and can be jealous of them sometimes too.
Princes Andi: I meant to ask you– do you wear panties every day?
Robyn: not every day
Robyn: they distract me a bit when I do wear them they don’t fade into just being there as underwear they feel sexy to.
Princess Andi: I want to thank you for taking the time out to be interviewed by me. I really enjoyed getting to know you and appreciate you sharing your story with me. I am curious do your parents accept your lifestyle now?
Robyn: I think my parents are still in denial
Princess Andi: I am sorry to read that. Robyn. thank you again.
Robyn: My 18 year old daughter identifies as transgender and I have been thinking a lot about telling her about me
Princess Andi: oh?
Robyn: thank you
Princess Andi: she doesn’t know?
Princess Andi: Before we go. I am curious–do you remember the first time you dressed up for your second wife? What did you wear?
Robyn: A long champagne colored satin gown
Princess Andi: that sounds wonderful.
Robyn: I wore a wig and a whole outfit another time
she helped me shop for a corset and heels but I am already tall
flats are more my thing.
Princess Andi: how fun was that?
Robyn: super fun
Princess Andi: I am glad you have found each other. It’s okay to wear heels when you are tall. don’t let anyone try to tell you different
Robyn: it also goes beyond fun for me
Princess Andi: that is fantastic.
Robyn: there is a huge aspect of being understood that is important and powerful and healing
Princess Andi: I agree. I think so many people hurt because they feel no one understands them. I need to get going and thank you so much for taking the time to do this with me.
Robyn: Happy Holidays!
Princess Andi: thank you– same to you!
Robyn: say hello to Mistress Rachel from me if you cross paths
Princess Andi: okay I will do so.
I want to thank Robyn for taking the time out to share her story with us. I believe her story will help many and give hope to those that have similar experiences. Concerning the edit of this interview. I did my best to edit this. What I took out, are– our skype names and repeat questions or answers. For the most part– I left the discussion mostly as it is. I only moved answers or questions together, where it was needed. While in skype sometimes the questions would be asked while an answer was still being formed for another question. I just fixed that here to make the interview easier for you the reader, to read. If you are a sissy or have a fetish that you would like to share with me and others. I would like to interview you. Please email me and put fetish interview in the subject header. Thank you for reading and please leave your comments and add to the discussion.
Princess Andi~
Thank You princess
You would make a great sissy wife, Portia Lynn!
Youre welcome maam!! But i would love to be a womans secret sissy wife mmmm
Thank you Rachel, I am glad you enjoyed the interview with Robyn, She is incredible.
oh, thank you, for explain that to me, Portia!
Well . . . I smiled with fondness and teared up with compassion at turns during this interview. I learned new things and gained a deeper insight into someone with whom I have shared some very beautiful, special times in the fantasy realm. That goes to show not only that even when you think you know someone well, there is always more to learn, but also that you are a great interviewer, Andi!
Robyn is a very special, intelligent, sensitive, beautiful gurl, and you captured that so well!
Wonderful, both of you.
Hee heee yes it is!! And Portia isnmy first name Lynn is my middle name
Awww– is that a proposal Lynn? Giggles.
Princess Andi donyou want a sissy wife? im single hee heee!
Spotty, I appreciate you taking the time to read. Thank you for reading. Robyn was great to talk with. I loved how candid she is about herself.
Fantastic, you are a great interviewer Princess Andi. Thank you Robyn for the brave and honest answers.