I masturbate!

You Masturbate!

We all Masturbate!

Fuck Ya! Masturbation May is soon to be here!!!!

XoXo Princess Andi XoXo

I am so excited to announce that this Masturbation May is going to be like no other in LDW History! We are going to have all kinds of sexy surprises in store for you to celebrate Masturbation May!

There will be 2 different kinds of Contests for this Masturbation May and we are giving away some awesome prizes for them!

Enchantrix Empire Masturbation Writing Contest

Are you a member of EE? If not it is not to late to join for free and take part of this Masturbation Writing Contest.

The subject is masturbation 300 word maximum. Share your stories of masturbation or create a sexy erotic story centered around masturbation. The ladies will choose their favorites at the end of May there will be 3 winners for this contest.

1st  prize a 15 minute call from a select list of Mistresses  you get to choose from.
2nd prize a 10 minute call from a select list of Mistress you get to chose from
3rd prize is a custom audio.

Masturbator of the month contest

There will be 2 categories for winners

1 sluttiest stroker: this means the guy who makes the most calls to  different ladies during the Month of Masturbation  May.  If you are going to try and win this contest, Remember that YOU must inform dispatch on all of your calls that you are participating in the contest so dispatch can keep track.

2 Most dedicated stroker: This prize will be given to the man who does the most amount of minutes during the month of may with one or even more than one Mistress.  If you are going to try and win this contest, Remember that YOU must inform dispatch on all of your calls that you are participating in the contest so dispatch can keep track.

The prizes for both of those winners are as follows:

1) bragging rights
2) $100.00 ldw spank bank credit that means you will have $100.00 credit to use on future calls.
3) Masturbation gift basket. (This will be filled with lots of goodies to aid in your Masturbation.)

Pass the Penis Specials for the entire month of May

We are going to have pass the penis at discounted rates. Or as I like to affectionately call it Pass the Masturbater.

The discounted  rates for Masturbation May Pass the Penis are as follows:

3 Mistresses (30 minutes total): $70 ($12.50 discount)

4 Mistresses (40 minutes total): $90 ($20 discount)

5 Mistresses (50 minutes total): $100 ($37.50 discount)

I will be kicking off Masturbation May with a fun blog post on May 1, 2016 each day a different Mistress will write about masturbation all month long! So, make sure to read our sexy blogs and leave blog comments.

Happy Masturbation May!

Princess Andi

~Princess Andi ~

~Princess Andi~