Superbowl Weekend

This Superbowl is not a big deal to me. I am not even interested in watching the commercials. hee-hee but I will be here to rock your cock. I hear that this Superbowl will be the first to have male Cheerleaders on the squad. This makes me happy. I do love cheerleaders...

Happy Cocktober!

Happy Cocktober! September flew by sooooo very fast. I just love this time of year and am looking to sharing in a lot of fun with you all here and around the empire. I am going to have some naughty tricks up my sleeve for this Cocktober and am looking forward to...

Princess Announcements.

I have some announcements to make. I am soooo looking forward to having a hot Cocktober this year and I want to make sure that you all understand some things. Concerning Yahoo: This really bothers me because I really do love chatting with you on yahoo but I...

I relish the word fuck.

This blog post is dedicated to a Mistress that loves the word fuck just as much as I do, maybe even more so. 🙂  I just love how she uses the word fuck. Check out the beautiful- fucklicous Constance  over on intelligent femdom– I consider her a wonderful friend...