Orgasm denied!

That’s right. You read what I wrote correctly. Your orgasm isΒ  denied! Β Β I had a fun call the other day. I let one of my phone mates know in the beginning of our session that they were going to stroke for no reason. Why is that, you may ask? How can you stroke for no reason? Well, most people masturbate to have a release. This was not going to happen for this particular caller. He had to beg and stroke, and I enjoyed every pant and groan.

I actually loved hearing him edge and pant, and at first he started to whine and beg me to cum. He wanted to cum so badly. I could hear the frustration in his voice. It was titillating and I was thrilled to deny him for my own pleasure!

Heavy cum filled balls is what you get!

As a matter of fact, Β I was feeling especially devilish and I had an orgasm while he had to listen and was not even allowed to touch himself! And no humping the desk or chair. All he could do was listen to me having an awesome orgasm. Β ** smirk **

Poor him! Yay for me!

I loved cumming and having such a delicious thrill while he was hard and erect with blue balls.

Then I gave him the pleasure of edging. I edged him long and hard, and the whole time I playfully teased him that he was stroking and not going to get his much wanted orgasm.

He had to beg me. I had him beg me NOT to cum He wanted to stroke and to do that the whole time he had to plead with me to keep his cum in his balls and not to have an orgasm….

What a delicious time we had. I loved every minute of it. I have a feeling he enjoyed it too. Well, maybe not his heavy cum filled balls. They might have a different take on this, but oh well…

I had a lot of fun!

Congratulations, handsome! you did a great job!

Embrace your kink