Irvin spoke English with a broken accent. Working off his debt to come to this country he had to work in the local nail salon.

Irvin didn’t mind. He had always harbored a secret sexual excitement over a woman’s sexy foot. He loved the way a woman would decorate each nail and seeing a woman’s foot naked and wet, fresh out of the footbath, made him sweat.  It was a shame that Irvin was not licensed to do a pedicure, but the people there had reservations about him working on the ladies. They had this sense about him. Rightfully so.

Irvin was the shop clean-up guy and maintenance man. He was responsible for laundry, washing out the foot basins, and making sure everything was in working order.   He hoped one day he would be allowed to at least help paint toenails.

Irving would get so excited every time he would clean a basin. The thought of a woman’s sexy foot soaking in that tub just moments earlier would make little beads of sweat form at the top of his lip. He would get this smug expression on his face. While cleaning up after a pedicure, he would look closely for any toenail clippings and put them in his pocket. He would take them home and put them in a baggie. He liked to think of the toes that those clippings came from, while he sprayed the basin with disinfectant and thought about the sole of the woman’s foot who just got pampered. He would wipe the bowl down and his hands would tremble at the thought of the sexy painted toes and how the arch of the foot would feel if he could only touch.

Irvin was in a state of heavenly bliss and complete hell because he could never get the opportunity to do a pedicure. He could only clean up after them.

But on his days off he would go to the mall and watch all the ladies and sexy feet. People thought he was shy because he was always looking down. He wasn’t shy. He was busy staring at sexy feet, trying to memorize everything so he could go home and enjoy the thoughts he had, relive the beautiful feet he saw.

Irvin had a thing for sexy painted red toes. This always made his day. He swooned when he saw a pair of feet in a bright red polish. This really excited him and he had to rush home to “remember it all.” Irving didn’t like to take pictures, at least not with his cell phone. He liked to remember it with his mind’s eye and if something he saw really excited him, he would write it in his secret journal.

Irvin never masturbated to his memories. He would just sit at the table with a faraway look, smiling, with a little drool escaping his mouth. Then he would get up and wash his teacup and go play video games on his computer.

Irving falls for a woman’s sexy feet.

One day a new customer came into the salon. She was a very tall leggy brunette. She had a very athletic build with pale skin and freckles. This woman, there was not anything remarkably beautiful about her. Nothing that would make her stand out, not at first then when people did notice, most of the time they would stare as much as they did not want to. Until she looked in their direction then the gawker would look away. Mildred had this warm glow to her. When the receptionist acknowledged Mildred she asked for a pedicure.

Irvin was busy working on a pedicure chair that had some loose wiring and he was cursing under his breath because he was distracted by one of the customers that would not stop talking to him as he worked. He turned his head to look for something and that is when he saw the most unusual feet that he had ever seen.

He couldn’t help but stare. You would think Irving would look up and glance at  the person that was sporting such unusual feet but not Irving. He was drinking in the long finger-like toes and the symmetry of the feet. He noticed the exotic feet were more calloused and had some scrapes and bruises on them. Not the most pampered feet he is accustomed to seeing in the salon.

Mildred walked over to a chair and noticed Irving with a far way look staring at her feet. and she spoke. “Hi there, do you  mind if I scoot by, I need to sit in that chair over there.” That is when Irvin looked up and for someone that doesn’t tend to notice a woman with the exception of her feet. He noticed right away. He didn’t flinch or stare the way he would if he was looking at her feet. He just genuinely smiled.

He said, “No ma’am. I will get out of your way. Did anyone offer you a refreshment?”

Mildred shook her head no and said, “I sure would like something, I am parched!”

Irving asked, “Is there anything else you need with your drink?”

“Oh, just a straw, if you have it. Thank you!” Mildred replied.

Irving rushed off to the back and got a nice cold beverage for the lady, He was shaking with excitement when he finally found a straw. By the time he returned, Mildred was sitting on the chair reading a magazine.

“Is there anything else I can do for you?” Irving looked her straight in the eyes while he waited for her reply and smiled.

“Why yes, kind sir, would you mind pulling that tab and putting the straw in. I am having a hard time with it at the moment.” As she speaks she lifts her feet to him and he places the can between the soles of her feet. It felt so natural like he was used to handing someone a drink to feet instead of a pair of hands.

Irving was fascinated. He was smitten. He noticed Mildred would come in every Tuesday at 1:30 PM and he was always there. Offering her a drink and she was the only woman he ever voluntarily spoke to or looked in the eye. Although it was very hard for him to do that, he would much rather stare at her sexy feet.

She was also the only customer that he saved and labeled all of her toenail clippings.

Some nights he would lay all the baggies of her toenail clippings and press the bags to his face and open them up and smell them. He would even sleep with them under his pillow! Irving always had the best erotic dreams when he did that.

He was fascinated with how well Mildred handled herself with no arms.He would go home at night and think of nothing but Mildred and her beautiful feet. He was convinced that he was going to ask her out and one day they would be married.

Irving was just trying to figure out the best way to ask Mildred out on a date. Then one Tuesday he wore his best work shirt and pants. Put on some cologne and he was going to ask her. He was looking forward to 1:30 PM all day. Irving was so nervous. He hardly noticed anyone else’s feet. he didn’t even keep any clippings!  He kept going in the back talking to the mirror. He was so nervous and busy practicing his question to Mildred. The time escaped him and Mildred was already in the middle of her pedicure.  When Irving noticed the time he rushed to get Mildred a drink and when she went to take it from him. Everything changed. He froze. She had prosthetic arms!

Irving’s heart fell and he became so flustered that he almost dropped the soda. Mildred’s smile froze and she was puzzled by Irving’s sudden awkwardness. He managed to give her the drink but he dashed out of there without another word.

Mildred figures out Irving’s secret Foot fetish

Irving lost all interest in Mildred and Mildred never could understand why until one day she came back in and she didn’t have her arms on.  Irving’s smile was warm and bright that day to her and she silently understood. Irving is more comfortable when I have no arms. So, she stopped wearing them to the salon.

Things became more comfortable between the two of them after a few months of Mildreds continuing efforts and Irving was fascinated with her. He so badly wanted to feel those sexy feet.

But he never did ask her out. He was afraid she might go back to using those arms. Irving did not like arms. He only liked beautiful feet.