You ache for me
Have you ever been seduced during a haunted hayride?
Think back ….. it might be long ago … think about some of those early times when you wanted a girl so badly that you felt like your whole body was on FIRE.
I get horny too.
Did you know that I know about that too?
Of course I do. Girls get horny and hot too, we’re just too smart to tell you at the time. Oh yeah, and we also like to torment you.
A haunted hayride
A haunted hayride or a haunted house is a perfect setting to torment you and your hard cock.
Haunted houses are so much fun! And, I do scream and grab onto the cutest guy nearby and use “Oh, I got scared!” as an excuse, and we have so much fun.
I just love this time of year!
I love the spooky stories and the scary movies. I enjoy popcorn and bobbing for apples. I so enjoy the mountains of North Carolina, taking a ride on the Blue Ridge Parkway and feeling the crisp mountain air.
I enjoy pumpkin carving and pumpkin flavored everything. I enjoy apple picking in Hendersonville, North Carolina. I encourage everyone to go to the apple festival. I love hot apple cider and going on hay rides.
Want to hear what happens to you on that haunted hayride? You’ll read that and so much more right here… keep coming back to my blog … or give me a call and we’ll create your perfect sexy scene together!
Happy Halloween! 🙂
Princess Andi
Aw- Adam… Thank you for the comment. We do share a love for all things scary and Halloween in common.
I know how to make you burn with desire Adam and I am also very good at putting those fires out. *wink*
Princess Andi~
I wish I could have been seduced during a haunted hayride.
There were times when I wanted a girl so bad it felt like my entire body was on fire!
I wish that I made you horny; and, I love to be tormented by women!
I love haunted houses, scary stories; and, movies too.
It sounds like we may have this in common.