“You say awesome a lot, Ms Andi. Is that because you are awesome or because of your awesome sex drive and sexiness?”


This question made me smile. It’s true, I do say awesome a lot. My answer to this is both. I do have a high sex drive and very sexy  Goddess Andi, Naughty bedtime storiesways.  I do tend to over use the word awesome. I like it. I am going to try to use other adjectives, though.  I can use words, like, thrilling, awe-inspiring, fantastic,  amazing, etc. Or, I could keep saying awesome! Ha ha ha, Princess prerogative.

“What are you reading at the moment?”

I am between books at the moment, and that is going to change, because someone gave me this book for a prezzie. The book arrives tomorrow. I can’t wait. The book is called Sexplosion: From Andy Warhol to A Clockwork Orange – How a Generation of Pop Rebels Broke All the Taboos. Author, Robert Hofler. I am really looking forward to reading it.

“What was the last concert you went to?”

I went to see some local bands play, and before that, Korn and Counting Crows were the last two concerts I went to.  I love going to shows and encourage everyone to support your local bands,  artist and businesses.

If you have a question for dear princess, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Your fun loving Princess,
