Things you will never hear me say.

The #ThingsYouWillNeverHearMeSay is trending on twitter and I really got  into that hashtag game on twitter. I had fun playing it and if you follow me on twitter you probably saw some of the things I tweeted that I would never say. Playing that hashtag game– got...

My Erotic Office Fantasies

Did you know that I have a thing for office fantasies? In some ways, I envy those that get to work in an office. All the business attire and all those lusty quickies in the supply closet or… hold on,  I need to reel myself back in here for the sake of what I am...

Wooden spoon spanking

I am very turned on at the moment, wiggling in my chair- and I have my writing inspiration right next to me.  This mundane object is something that every household has. You can walk into any kitchen and it is a very safe bet you will find a wooden spoon. I was talking...